Sorrow, tears and blood were the name of the game early this morning as two commercial vehicles, one bound for Calabar and the other, headed in the opposite direction, had a head on collision which left scores of commuters either dead or seriously wounded. on the ground sources say the driver of the Calabar bound vehicle, died on the spot, while it has not been ascertained at press time if the other driver whose vehicle recorded more casualties, will make it as he is in critical condition.
At Akparavuni, a laid back community in Biase LGA and scene of the accident, one Ekpe Okon, on the line from the area informed that the vehicle coming from Calabar, while attempting to dodge a pothole, veered into the lane for cars going to Calabar, hitting the other car and sending it flying off the road. Most occupants of the Calabar bound vehicle are said to be students of the University of Calabar, returning to school after the ASUU strike.
While most of the dead and seriously injured have been evacuated from the scene of the accident, the corpse of the Calabar bound vehicle driver, has been deposited in his native Egbizum, Ikpakapit, Ugep, Yakurr LGA.
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I thank Calitown for getting events so quickly to their readers – it is a plus.
May I also express my sympathy to those affected directly or indirectly. May their souls rest in peace and may their relatives be comforted by God. Speedy recovery to the injured in Jesus name. amen.
Government should be held responsible because if they did very well in providing better jobs to youths, there will be less competition in the road transport industry, better roads and and better trained, safety conscious drivers and road users.
May the souls lost rest in the peace of their creator.