As the build-up to the 2019 general elections continue, vocal social critic, Ray Ugba Murphy, has in a terse ten points, outlined what will be the political reality that will largely play out in 2019. See the points;
In 2019, more Nigerians will vote than ever before. This is rather obvious since more Nigerians now have more interest in who rules them, both at the state and at the Federal levels!
The demographics of voting will also change. More educated persons will vote this time around, so anyone who banks on the illiterates mainly will need to rethink.
The current INEC has shown surprising neutrality and this is likely to continue but with a caveat!
Religion will play a less dominant role in 2019. More voters will he interested in service delivery than in the religion of the candidates.
Anyone who still thinks that cubes of maggi and cups of rice will do the trick is living in the past. Money will no doubt play a role but people will collect and still vote their choice because they have seen how cups of rice shortchanged them in the past.
Social Media is now the main determinant of public opinion and it cannot be censored, so its going to be used massively in the efforts to win hearts and minds!
The security forces will be forced to be neutral too because politics has become emotionalized to the point where voters will fight for their rights of a fair vote!
Under 25 who make up 65% of the population will determine who wins elections. They will take more interest in elections because they have seen how their lack of interest has robbed them and is robbing them.
Track records will count, promises will not.
Local and regional interests will show a marked pattern in all elections and more incumbents will lose on account of lack of performance.
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