Rachel Fubara Nengi, the vibrant 27 year old fashion designer and graduate of Genetics and Biotechnology, University of Calabar, has finally bowed to cancer in far away India, where she was taken to for medical help, friends of the deceased have revealed. She died two days ago.
“It was during her service year, that she noticed a painless lump on her groin area, she went to different hospitals and she was prescribed and given compression socks to wear hoping that the swelling will come down. Two years later the swelling got bigger and painful”, www.calitown.com was informed by a close friend via a text message. She added that a surgery was carried out on her to take out the mass, but a biopsy showed the lump was a cancerous growth.
Further medical examinations showed the severity of her condition, prompting family and friends to carry out a massive internet based funds drive that we hear netted in a princely sum of money that aided the trip to India where she unfortunately passed away.
Friends and sympathisers have accordingly flooded the deceased’s Facebook wall and other social media handles with passionate condolence messages to her memory. She will.be buried shortly.
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