Members of De Norsemen Kclub of Nigeria, St. Saratoga Patrol, Cross River State, say they are committed to ensuring that visitors to Ugep for Leboku 2024, meet a clean environment that will complement the hospitable nature of the annual new yam festival in the area.

The organization made this disclosure shortly after members embarked on a voluntary clean up exercise of the palace of the Obol Lopon of Ugep, town centre and large parts of the town.
Patrick Ubi, who led the exercise on behalf of Michael Omini, who heads the organization in the area, maintained further that, “Leboku is a festival that draws a large number of people to Ugep. As a responsible organization, we must chip in and do our significant little to ensure that visitors and community members meet a clean environment. You can see that we have carried out this exercise, in collaboration with the Ugep Urban Development Authority, UUDA, to ensure that we are thorough and committed to helping to keep Ugep clean.”

Executive Secretary of UUDA, Osong Etowa, present at the exercise, commended the organization for this initiative and encouraged them to do more in the area of service to humanity. He further informed the organization that UUDA is open to collaborations of this nature, promising that they will be no bureaucratic bottlenecks on UUDA’s part, any time the organization sees need to collaborate with UUDA for the good of the community.
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