Just yesterday, February 8, 2015, in Ugep, Yakurr LGA, Ebri told a large gathering of Yakurr sons and daughters that it was out of sorts for Imoke to insist on imposing a candidate on the people of Abi and Yakurr, when the people should in reality be the ones to do that.”I think that it is out-of-place for the governor to insist that he, an individual, is wiser than all of us and can go ahead and impose a candidate on us. We must emphatically reject a candidate that is imposed on us. Yakurr must have a say in how our representatives emerge…this deliberate policy of containment, must come to an end. With the number of votes Yakurr has, those who over the years have worked to make this LGA a political fishing pot, must be given a lesson with our votes. We have over 78,000 eligible votes in Yakurr and that is not a joke”, Ebri said.
Inah who also spoke at the gathering said, “I sent Liyel Imoke three text messages and also wrote him a two and a half page letter on this matter, telling him clearly that the greater Yakurr nation insists that her representatives must be chosen by the people and not by him the governor. He may have turned a deaf ear to what we are saying and we as a people must go ahead and prove with our votes that the people indeed matter. The political instability in Yakurr has benefitted Imoke’s acolytes, now with one voice and block votes, the people will take their destiny in their hands”.
Former House of Representaives member, Obeten Okorn Obeten, present at the well attended occasion, frowned at “…the political backseat that Yakurr has taken”, adding that “we must now come together and make progress. If Yakurr has occupied the House of Reps position for 16 years, shouldn’t Abi also have an opportunity at that position too?”. Various speakers at the occasion re-echoed the submissions of Ebri and co, while promising to take the message to all the nooks and crannies of Yakurr and Abi.
Recall that there has been mounting opposition to the PDP’s selection process in many constituencies across the state. While the electorate is feeling shortchanged, there is also the litany of imposition of unpopular candidates that has become the filip for what may be a political gang-up against the PDP in CRS.
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It is funny/embarassing dat such prominent politicians of Yakurr will converge for just an individual. Is Bassey Ewa greater dan oda Yakurr sons & daughters? Is House of Reps d only fed elected office in d constituency/district? Where were dey wen such decisions was taken by d govt? Y not tink of solving d myriad of problems bedeviling d Yakurr nation such as youth empowermt, scholarship to students, unemployment, d domination of certain community against odas, traditional stool imbalance, youth restiveness, women empowermt among odas. Is it high time d youth-Beware dis same prsons will later drop d bomb shell on us to deliver & wen we r not careful in doing it, d repercusion wil b so enormous dat d age bracket btw (30 & 45) will b directly involve. Pls let us thread wt caution instead of over heating d polity. A stich in time saves nine!
Enough is enough. Let’s have representatives who have ‘something’ in their heads. Let’s do away with the regime of ‘Somnambulists”.
Vote Hon Alex Egbona! Long Live The people of Yakurr! Abi and Cross River State!