The monarch was particular that in championing the cause for peace among both communities who recently went to war, it was his desire to see the communities set aside their differences and work at ensuring that peace returns to the area so that “children can go back to school, men and women can go to farm without looking over their shoulders and the domestic economy that has been crippled by this communal clash, can be restored”.
Earlier, Dr Bassey Esu who led an 18 man delegation, which also included the Permanent Secretary in the CRS Ministry of Information, Freedom Ejom, told the monarch that their visit has the blessing of the Ediba people and was to appreciate him for the role he played in returning peace to the area. Esu while thanking him, also pleaded that Obol Inah use his reverred position to further ensure that even though difficulties may ensue, compliance to the peace agreement is followed to a logical conclusion. “No party should violate the peace condition, parties must be made to show commitment and this peace must also be extended to all Bahumono communities”, Esu insisted.
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Thanks to God, who gave us a king like u. The Obol Ubi Ujong Inah, our Obol Lopon of Ugep and paramount ruler of Kakurr communities in CRS. More grace to ur elbows!