Sarah Isioma Agi, wife of Peter Agi, former Bursar of the University of Calabar escaped death, late yesterday evening, when the Toyota Hilander she was driving in, was sprayed with bullets, inside high brow State Housing Estate, Calabar,, can reveal.
Informed sources say Isioma had just been escorted to the car by the relative of her husband she went to visit at No. 2 Ogar Afufu Close, Off Clement Ebri Drive, State Housing Estate, when an inauspicious car drove by and sprayed bullets on her car. While she remains visibly shaken but unhurt, several sources seem to believe that the incident may be throwing up a potentially dangerous dimension in a bitter battle fought by her husband to validate his position as bursar of the University of Calabar, after authorities of the institution sacked him in circumstances considered to be controversial.
An authoritative source in Unical however maintains that, “you people cannot just begin to link everything that happens to Peter and his family to Unical. The man has a life that does not begin and end with Unical. Right now we have very serious security challenges in Calabar, what happened is unfortunate and can be tied to the present security situation in this city but I thank God that his wife is safe”.
When contacted Irene Ugbo, a superintendent of police and police public relations officer, Cross River State, for information, she was indisposed and said “I am in a meeting”. Agi too was unavailable when we tried to reach him.
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