On one occasion, Pope Benedict XV appeared on the Vatican balcony to impart his blessing; a fanatic drew a pistol, aimed at the Pope and pulled the trigger. The gun failed to go off. Guards seized and imprisoned the criminal. When the man was bought before the Pope later on, the would-be assassin regretted that the gun had failed to fire.
The unruffled Pope declared, “I can tell you why your gun failed. You were in the crowd and I had blessed you also, my son.” Then he added, “Return to your home; your wife and children must surely have heard of this and are worried.” The Pope ordered him released.
O mehn, I love the Lord. God will not allow the guns of people you have blessed to kill you. When they were in need you gave them your all, now they have turn round to start planning evil against you, they will fail. You gave them bread, now they want you to eat stones, their gun won’t go off. You consoled them in their time of grief, now they are mocking your tears, their guns will not shoot. You gathered with them, now they are gathered against you, don’t worry their gathering is in vain. Let they waste their resources to buy guns, let they waste their time to aim it at you, let they waste their energy to pull the trigger… it won’t go off!
LET’S PRAY: Thank you father for your protection and immense blessings over my life.
SUCCESS ACTIVITY: Forgive people God used you to bless that have turned their backs against you today.
CONFESSION: The weapon fashioned against me shall prosper.
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