The Cross River University of Technology, CRUTECH, appears to have set a new record, with the appointment of the shortest serving Head of Department, HOD, in the institution, can reveal.

Michael Nzan of the Department of Mass Communication, CRUTECH, was appointed HOD of the department a little above one week after Obonganwan Edim, the HOD, passed away. Nzan’s letter of appointment as HOD, with reference number, CRUTECH/REG/ADH/Vol 1/180, and signed by the institution’s registrar, Gabriel Beshel, was issued on July 16, 2018. While friends, colleagues and well wishers congratulated the new HOD, sources within the institution told that some of Nzan’s colleagues protested against this appointment to the school authorities.

This protest is believed to have resulted in the letter to Michael Nzan, dated July 23, 2018, titled “Withdrawal of Letter of Appointment as Head of Department, Mass Communication”, signed by the university’s registrar, annulling the first letter and conclusively making Nzan the department’s HOD for only seven days.

When contacted Anthony Owan Enoh, Vice-Chancellor of CRUTECH, we were informed that the appointment was done in error. “Mike Nzan is a Lecturer II in the department and should ideally not be HOD in a department that has professors; they will be no respect where a junior person is picked to head his seniors, this is not the normal order of things and we had to rectify the mistake. We are human beings and can make mistakes, we have conveyed our apology to him for this error and everyone has since moved on. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to explain this”, the V-C exclusively said.
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