Specifically the RUWATSSA Programme Manager said, a geologist and mechanical engineer, an electrical engineer, a biochemist as well as a micro biologist, who were initially in the school system in the state, had to be transferred to RUWATSSA. Even though the Agency now has 10 geologists, one civil engineer, an electrical engineer, a mechanical engineer, two microbiologist, a sanitarian, who does sanitary training, and other people, “right now what we need are two civil engineers to help us with the sanitation component of the programme”, he added.
On the level of intervention so far carried by the Agency in the state, he was quick to point out that, “…Yakurr LGA alone has a total of 239 communities, we have intervened in all. Odukpani has a total of 332 and we have intervened in all of them, Obubra has a total of 259 but we didn’t work in all of them. But like I’m saying all these communities – Odukpani, Yakurr, Obubra, Etung and Boki where we have worked, our impact has been positively felt”. He was also particular that in a place like “Yakurr where they have this clustered living, they have houses very close to the each other. For some people who do not have space to build their toilets and bathroom, some individuals are now building those facilities on a commercial basis. You go there, use the toilet, take your bath and then you pay. So our insistence on a hygienic habit has provided people with a means of livelihood”.
From 2005-2011, for water supply and sanitation, the Agency has received close to a billion in donor funds while in the 2013 intervention in Odukpani LGA alone, N339 million was expended. The Cross River State Government also has a counterpart contribution that she makes to the Agency which primarily intervenes in the area of water and sanitation among communities in the state.
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